Kajol, who will be seen with husband Ajay Devgn on screen after a gap of two years in the animation film Toonpur Ka Superhero, says the two cannot team up often because they hardly ever like the same script."Ajay and I will always take years to be together on screen because we hardly ever agree on a script. We actually don’t agree on most scripts,"said Kajol. "What he thinks as workable is something that I find not working for me at all. So it’s very rare that we actually come across something that we both agree on and we both would like to work on," she added.They tied the knot in 1999 after a few years of courtship and are known as one of the best couples in Bollywood. They created reel magic with Hulchul, Pyar Toh Hona Hi Tha, Ishq and Dil Kya Kare. Their last outing together was Ajay’s directorial debut U Me Aur Hum (2008), which was critically appreciated for its theme and performances but was a box-office dud.The actress says over the years sh...
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