Bollywood actor Sonali Bendre, a close friend of Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) chief Raj Thackeray, Thursday came in defence of actor-MP Jaya Bachchan saying her alleged "anti-Marathi" remarks were "misinterpreted"."It was not meant as it was construed to be. It was a completely off the cuff remark which was misinterpreted, " she said.Bendre, who was speaking to reporters at the launch of Indian "Idol Season 4" here said, "I know the Bachchans from a long time and those who know Jaya-ji would know that it was not made with an attitude to disgrace anyone."Jaya's alleged remarks at a promotional function of her son Abhishek's latest movie "Drona" last Saturday snowballed into a major political controversy with the MNS taking umbrage at her utterances. Her husband and Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan apologised on her behalf Wednesday evening at a media conference in Mumbai.Bendre, who is the wife of filmmaker Gold...
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