Bhavana is now a well known Actress in Tamil and Telugu Movies. She was from Thrissur a small district in Kerala started her Cinema Life by acting in Malayalam Movies. The real name of Bhavana is Karthika. Her First Film In Malayalam was Nammal and after that she has acted in many Malayalam hit movies like Chronic Bachelor, Thilakkam, CID Moosa, Swapnakoodu, Chandupottu, Naran, Chintamani Kolacase and Chess.Her First Movie inTollywood was was Chithiram Pesuthadi and she did many hit movies with sper herol actors like Madhavan,Arya,Jayam Ravi,Bharath,Srikanth. Bhavana is actually a village girl who is vey sexy.You can see how she looked in the past when she started her career in Malayalam movies. those photos are given at the bottom of the page and her new photosin which she is little bit glamourous is given at the top. Sostart enjoying the movie scenes of this Malluwood Actress.At first while she started acting in Malayalam movies,she used to tell the directors that she wont do any...
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