The 21-year-old, who married the country’s most eligible bachelor, is an incurable romantic with little interest in cricket On the field, he is known for his grip on the game. On Sunday morning, as the nation woke up to the news of the Mahendra Singh Dhoni's engagement and wedding, the world's most exciting cricketer stumped us with his grip on matters off the field too. In a fast and furious spell, MSD got engaged to Kolkata girl Sakshi Rawat in a well-guarded resort in the foothills of the Himalayas. Within hours he married her in a ceremony which was out of bounds for the media, at a luxurious resort in Dehradun. Contrary to what was earlier reported in the media, 21-year-old Sakshi Singh Rawat is not the Indian captain's childhood sweetheart, even though their families had known each other for a long time. A source close to the cricket star revealed, "Sakshi was a trainee with Taj Bengal, Kolkata, in 2008, when the two met." Prodded by their fami...
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