Kareena Kapoor reveals her true intentions about not being part of Madhur Bhandarkar’s ambitious project Heroine. Madhur Bhandarkar who had been waiting patiently for Kareena’s response for over an year now has finally ended, as now considered roping in Katrina Kaif or Aishwarya Rai as his Heroine and now the recent claims has it that Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is finalized. The movie which is about yesteryear actress Madhubala, which is also partly inspired with the lifestyle of Hollywood actresses Marilyn Monroe, Ava Gardner, Vivien Leigh and Elizabeth Taylor. While many though that it would have been because of date issues, as she is committed to the projects with the Khan’s of the Bollywood industry, which occupies most of her time, she had revealed in an interview to a Television channel, "I’d love to work with Madhur, he’s an amazing director, but the script that he’s doing is not something I’m looking at doing right now". Bebo also ...
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